Sanctuary Animals

These animals have found a forever home with our sanctuary.

Dear Sadie,

You are single handedly my greatest accomplishment. With the help of Second Chance Animal Rescue in Ontario, Canada, we rescued you as a completely wild, aggressive, and pregnant dog. You attacked all animals. You attacked all men. You were out of control. Nobody could handle you.

I got the call late at night to come help you deliver your 11 beautiful puppies. When I walked in through that door, our eyes locked. We connected. We became one. We successfully delivered your babies, and I knew we had to cancel your scheduled euthanasia. From that moment on, you were my Sadie girl!

Training you started off rough. But got easier over a short couple of months. Then, you thrived into this perfect soul. Over the years, you have become the absolute greatest companion. Everyone loves getting to spend time with you. You know what to do without being told. You watch over the rest of the animals for us. You comfort anybody when they're sad or sick. You do everything we ask so easily that it makes us look good. You can honestly do no wrong. We tell you you're perfect 10 times a day. Because you are.

You have gotten me through a lot. When I got sick, and didn't know what was going on, you did. Somehow, you managed to figure everything out. I never thought in a million years that this wild dog we found in Canada, would not only become my best friend, but my seizure alert service dog. And I am forever thankful for that. You save my life every single day. And I want you to truly know, just how important you are.

Keep doing what you're doing. Don't ever change. Thanks for everything Sadie girl ♡

-Lauren Rock, Owner/Founder of The Rock Wildlife Foundation and Sanctuary


Kona was relinquished to us for a tylenol ingestion toxicity. She had severe swelling, and almost lost both of her eyes in the process.

After a week in the ICU, her face returned to normal, and she made it out of the hospital. And after a year of care with the ophthalmologist, she has partial vision in both her eyes!


Loki was ran over by a car when he was only a few months old. His left hind limb was broken in multiple places.

He had his leg amputated and within a week was back to running around with the other animals.


In his first year, Kilo was relinquished 9 separate times for various behavioral issues.

Euthanasia was looking like his only option. However, on what was supposed to be his last day, we rescued him from the shelter.

We promised him a life full of love and happiness here at the sanctuary.


Ottis was found outside a few years ago, and it turns out he was abandoned by his previous owners.

We adopted him into the sanctuary, and he is the happiest, and most outgoing cat that you could ever imagine!


Onyx was adopted as a kitten and was an indoor only cat for his first couple years. However, in 2021, he went for a walk outside and didn’t come home. Despite everyone’s efforts they were unable to find him. Almost 4 full months went by. Then, all of a sudden, a good Samaritan walked into a local hospital with a cat. After checking his microchip, they discovered it was Onyx! He was finally reunited with his owner Bristina Stanfield (Vice President and Treasurer of The Rock Wildlife Foundation and Sanctuary).


Opal was adopted from a shelter as a young kitten.

She has, and always will be the princess of the house.

She has a permanent home in our hearts, and here at the sanctuary.


Game Birds

We have a silver pheasant, a tumbler pigeon, and a bunch of coturnix quail in our game bird enclosure. They all get along and are thankful for the constant food and shelter. We hatched all our quail from eggs, and now that ours are producing their own, we are able to sell and hatch theirs too.